I am moving this blog to join in with my other blog at www.myheartandyours.org. When you come to this website it should redirect you automatically to this other blog. I will be organizing all my fun stuff into one blog.
Kim :)
Gluten Free Daughter
Chatting about gluten free eating with God by my side!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
I was glutened!
Glutened is a term I've heard people mention when they are eating gluten free and they have accidentally eaten gluten. I am now going to use it because 3 times it has happened to me since going gluten free first week of March.
It is a horrible stomach pain, undescribable and not like anything I've felt before, and it lasts 24 hours at the worst and then takes days to feel all the way better. It also leads to trips to the bathroom and I have vomitted, along with major bloating and gas. It is the worse feeling and I do not wish it on anyone.
I think the worst thing is that sometimes it is hard to determine what it is that caused it. I believe the first time it was eating taco seasoning and taco shells, Old El Paso brand, which I read after the fact on their website that it is not in the "gluten free" list of their food items, ouch! Then the second time I feel it was a Wal-Mart rotisserie chicken--which I have had a few times I believe, but this time I feel was the problem. The third time was more minor and happened this past weekend. I ate a gluten free meal from Cedarline-which I purchased at Publix, and it happened starting about an hour after eating that and continued all weekend.
Have any of you been "glutened" and if so what do you think was the cause of it?
It is a horrible stomach pain, undescribable and not like anything I've felt before, and it lasts 24 hours at the worst and then takes days to feel all the way better. It also leads to trips to the bathroom and I have vomitted, along with major bloating and gas. It is the worse feeling and I do not wish it on anyone.
I think the worst thing is that sometimes it is hard to determine what it is that caused it. I believe the first time it was eating taco seasoning and taco shells, Old El Paso brand, which I read after the fact on their website that it is not in the "gluten free" list of their food items, ouch! Then the second time I feel it was a Wal-Mart rotisserie chicken--which I have had a few times I believe, but this time I feel was the problem. The third time was more minor and happened this past weekend. I ate a gluten free meal from Cedarline-which I purchased at Publix, and it happened starting about an hour after eating that and continued all weekend.
Have any of you been "glutened" and if so what do you think was the cause of it?
Sunday, June 3, 2012
I have found some products from Udi's that are so so so good that I have to share them. I went free first of March as a lifestyle change, as I have really seen that it is not beneficial for my body, at least from the knowledge that I have so far and how I feel when I introduce it back to my body, it's not for me anymore. Since going gluten free a few things I missed out on were Pizza and bread-bread mostly to make a sandwich with. Well no longer do I miss those things!

I first found Udi's pizza crust in the frozen food department at a local heatlh food store. I made myself a hawaiin pizza with it, adding bbq sauce, cheese, pineapple and ham. It was so good and it did not taste like most gluten free bread type things (i.e. cardboard), it tasted very good and also had a good crisp to it! Then I went looking for that at our Publix grocery store I found a 3-cheese Udi's certified organic pizza in the frozen food, but no pizza crust. So I got it. I LIKE. So glad I found it!
Then this past week I was walking in Publix by the frozen food and happened to see Udi's white sandwich bread! I said ok, I will try it. I also had gotten some Lloyd's BBQ chicken. That week I ate a lot of open-faced bbq chicken sandwiches on that Udi's bread. YUM! That was actually better than the pizza crust or pizza.
Anyways, maybe that will help someone looking for some Udi's products. You can search on their site where they sell products in your area.
More later...Love to you!
Kim :)
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Gluten Free Meal Planning
I want to help you create meal plans for your family. It is difficult when you have food allergies and you have to search many places, books, blogs and people for recipes that will fit your family and also not contain the foods that our family members are allergic to. I want to help. I want to help people create those plans. I want to create a service where you can send me all of your family members favorite foods, and I can help you create a meal plan for each week, or perhaps a monthly meal plan rotating weekly recipes around.
I believe our families should eat well and not feel deprived. I also believe it is very possible to do this even with one or multiple food allergies or sensitivities. I will mostly work with the top 8 allergens which are:

I believe our families should eat well and not feel deprived. I also believe it is very possible to do this even with one or multiple food allergies or sensitivities. I will mostly work with the top 8 allergens which are:
- Milk
- Eggs
- Peanuts
- Tree nuts (such as walnuts, almonds, etc)
- Fish
- Shellfish
- Soy
- Wheat
My family personally has to work with 5 of these allergens. Those would be: Milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, and wheat. Gluten free as well. I do not deal with soy a whole lot, but I can help as much as I know how.
Look forward to sharing with you and helping you as God leads. He has a plan for us and He will help meet our needs. Send me an email bkbaa.love@gmail.com
More later...Love to you!
Kim :)
Look forward to sharing with you and helping you as God leads. He has a plan for us and He will help meet our needs. Send me an email bkbaa.love@gmail.com
More later...Love to you!
Kim :)
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Taco Salad!
Tonight was something I make often and it is easy to feed everyone in the family pretty easily.
I ground turkey and then add El Paso taco seasoning. That is the taco meat we use.
I heat up refried beans.
Jar of salsa (Pace)
Sour cream
Shredded cheese
Taco sauce
Romaine lettuce
Taco shells or tortilla chips or Fritos
Make your own taco or taco salad. Could also add tomatoes, olives, avocado
I ground turkey and then add El Paso taco seasoning. That is the taco meat we use.
I heat up refried beans.
Jar of salsa (Pace)
Sour cream
Shredded cheese
Taco sauce
Romaine lettuce
Taco shells or tortilla chips or Fritos
Make your own taco or taco salad. Could also add tomatoes, olives, avocado
Iphone pictures so excuse the quality :) One day they may look better
Friday, March 23, 2012
Tonight's Dinner~BBQ Ribs!
Sadly forgot to take pictures of my pretty plate before eating, ha! Sorry. I will next time, but I still want to share what we had. Again it was simple, as I am not in the mood for extravagant cooking this week, it's SPRING BREAK!
So I purchased Hormel brand, Lloyd's spare ribs, at Wal-Mart last trip to the store. This is a new find we only recently found and have had only a few times. I happened to see them and read the ingredients. Pretty simple list, and they said "gluten free & soy free!" So it was a winner. We like them, they fall off the bone, and a friend has told me about them before and had good things to say.
So I purchased Hormel brand, Lloyd's spare ribs, at Wal-Mart last trip to the store. This is a new find we only recently found and have had only a few times. I happened to see them and read the ingredients. Pretty simple list, and they said "gluten free & soy free!" So it was a winner. We like them, they fall off the bone, and a friend has told me about them before and had good things to say.

Ribs was our main dish. Our side dishes were this awesome quinua pasta, veggie curls. I boiled them with some salt and a drizzle of olive oil until done. Then melted some butter into them. Smart Balance Light butter with flax is what we use...it is gluten and dairy free. Boiled some frozen corn on the cob. The end.
Delish meal was served. It was super filling and satifsying. Nutritious. Sorry I didn't take a picture, the plate was so pretty :)
More later...Love to you!
Kim :)
Thursday, March 22, 2012
My Gluten Free Journey Begins
My first gluten free story blog post from my other blog...
I'm working on eating gluten free and I've never been diagnosed...by a medical doctor that is. I am on a journey to know if gluten is for me or against me. The gluten free diet is something that I am familiar with. See I have a child, lets call him Sugarbear, who is allergic to wheat (among other things). So since he was born seven years ago I have been learning to incorporate more and more wonderful foods and meals into our family that are gluten free. He has several other food allergies that I will definitely share more about all I have learned about those in the blogs to come in the future.

So why am I working on eating gluten free? Well when Sugarbear was born he had a lot of eczema and itching and rashes. I knew a little about allergies because our oldest, Knucklehead, has a peanut allergy. I knew all the itching, rashes and eczema were not normal and probably related to allergies. At this time, when Sugarbear was a baby, I had released all of my excess weight by eating when hungry and stopping when satisfied (not full or overstuffed, but satisfied and had enough). After changing the kinds of food I was eating to not eat things he was allergic to since I was nursing him...I started gaining weight. Now there were many other things going on in my heart and life at that time, which I think I attributed to the weight gain, but I still held onto the fact I knew to release all of my weight and be healthy I needed to eat only when I was hungry and stop when satisfied, the way my body was created to be fed. For some reason I would talk about that to people and share a lot about eating when hungry and stopping when satisfied, and it not necessarily being about what you eat, when releasing weight. But I knew I was not doing that. I kept eating and disregarding my hunger signals for several years. I was not living out what I was saying or what I believed.

Fast forward a few years Princess came into the picture. I was pregnant again and starting that pregnancy was at my highest weight ever other than when I had been pregnant in the past. After having her I released all of my weight once again eating only when I was hungry (when my stomach growled, which is what my body does when I am truly hungry) and stopping when I was satisfied. It was Truth that had set me free, helped me release all of this weight. I was healthy, God had shown me how to eat when I was hungry the way He created me. So then guess what? I started gaining weight again. In two years I got to the next highest weight I had ever been while not being pregnant. Highest weight ever! Not only though had I started eating outside of my boundaries, but I also started questioning what foods my body needed to be healthiest and started praying about it. What is going on here, I thought, questioning so very many things?!
To be continued...
More later...Love to you!
Kim :)
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