I posted this at
my other blog...but wanted to share here too.
I will try now and continue with my story of gluten free that I started
here. All these questions that I was having about what foods are best for my body, I was told by a sweet sweet person, why not try eating how my son eats and take wheat out of my diet? I thought okay I can do that. I will try doing that for a month or so and see how it goes. That was last April or May if I recall correctly. I tried it for 4 days and things in my body started changing for the better.
I then had lies and questioning start creeping in and I started dabbling and having a little here and a little there. I wasn't sure I should do it and seemed to think I needed more of a reason to do it before I gave it my all. I had a friend who at that time was my accountability partner and prayer partner in eating and health, and she mentioned to me that I possibly had a gluten sensitivity and should consider it. She was going through similar things. I read about it in different places on the internet, blogs and books. Over the past 11 months I have heard about gluten free here and there and everywhere it seems. Crazy! But hey you know what I am learning, "when God wants to get your attention He will be clear about it and follow you around with confirmations (until you get it)." He is amazing like that.

In November I had my annual physical and had mentioned to my doctor about gluten and she confirmed that yes, gluten can mess with your body in many ways. She asked me how I felt eating gluten free and I told her that I did feel better and the symptoms that had changed and she said that I should continue with it. She also said that it was evident if I felt better I should continue and that a testing wouldn't always be definite.
I then was told by a doctor at the end of 2011 to try gluten free for my son and I said I would try it with him. We didn't do well with it and didn't try too hard. Then at our recheck with this doctor she asked if we had tried gluten free, and we said, no....
uh not really :( I was then told again to try it. She was not giving in and really wanted us to try it. She explained about children who she saw try this during her schooling and without medical tests, but trying it and seeing changes in symptoms they had, for the better. So we did. (*note: I am only sharing about myself here as it is about "my" heart I talk about on my blog and not my childrens.) I stuck to it for 3-4 weeks very well. I felt great results. I released 12 pounds and lost so many cravings for food. I was not bloated among other things.
Then, here comes the lies and questioning again.
But you have never been tested and told that you have it.
You have no confirmation for sure saying yes this is the results of your test and now you should eat this way. I had a God, who may I say I am learning much better now a days, is
God reminded me of this recently, and I can't even tell you how I came to find this scripture, but
it came to
2 Chronicles 16:12
In the thirty-ninth year of his reign, Asa developed a serious foot disease. Yet even with the severity of his disease, he did not seek the Lord's help but turned only to his physician's.
That is in a sense the way I was thinking. I wanted a doctor and a test to tell me for absolutely positive sure that I had Celiac or that I had gluten intolerance BEFORE I committed to it. I did not want to just trust what God was already confirming to me. I had several people ask me lately, weren't my symptoms and the confirmations I kept getting enough to make me stop eating it and just move on and live? My answer in my heart then was a resounding, no. I wanted a test, proof. (isn't that opposite of faith?)
So God allowed me to be tested last week. I ordered a reputable test online that was a finger prick blood test to test for Celiac. It was negative. Now I had been off and on gluten for the past several months, several days to weeks without it and then I would eat it here and there. So I am unsure if I had enough in my system to cause this test to be positive.
I knew this would happen! I recognized that as soon as I ordered the test...I had the question, what if it is negative? I thought well then I would want another test to tell me something. I need something saying yes I need to eat gluten free. Without wheat.
So...two nights ago God really spoke to my heart to have faith. Kim have faith and trust. I know what is best for your body. You felt better, released weight and didn't eat as much or want to eat as much when you let it go. So let it go! Give it to ME. I will help you! So I did. Two nights ago I let it go. Starting yesterday I ate gluten free. I will take it one day at a time, but right now I feel the answer is that I need to have faith in my God, my Great Physician, and believe Him when He makes something so clear to me I cannot miss it. Gluten is not friendly with my body and I will thrive without it.
I am aiming to eat what is called whole foods. I do not replace a lot of foods that have gluten with the gluten free version. I simply want to mostly eliminate it, which in turn eliminates most processed foods. Eating fruits and veggies, some nuts and seeds, and meats and then rice and potatoes and gluten free grains every once in a while.
I look forward to sharing more of this journey as I walk it out in FAITH with my God. I think, well if I listen to Him and obey, what do I have to lose? But if I did NOT listen to Him, and ate whatever I wanted containing gluten, maybe I would suffer in ways that were not necessary. I trust Him. I will trust Him. I trust You Lord.
Follow me on my journey as I walk it out and share more and more what I learn and what God shows me.
More later...Love to you!
Kim :)